Geography (Optional) Test Series (10 Tests) for CSE-2019 – Starts 23rd December 2018

Under the Guidance of Asst. Professor, Delhi University (DU), having good experience in the UPSC field

Starts from 23rd December, 2018

10 Tests (8 Sectional + 2 Full Length)

Fee: Rs. 15,000/- (Inclusive of All Taxes)


Limited Enrollments – This is to ensure that due attention is given to the candidates so as to guide them on “How to Improve Answer Writing “, which is often not the case when the number is huge. So, with this aspirants can be personally attended to.

Personal Interaction – Offline + Telephonic – We believe that it’s not enough to evaluate the script, in the current pattern when competition is tough, every stakeholder has to walk an extra mile. We intend to communicate to the aspirant via personal sessions and regularly providing the required inputs to the student. This ensures a gradual understanding of mistakes, without which one cannot improve.

UPSC Pattern – Question Papers are prepared strictly as per the current UPSC pattern.

Stress is on evaluating analytical skills of the aspirant rather than cramming skills.

Geography (Optional) Test Series Features

Each test may have questions from previous test topics in order to keep you aware of previous studies and streamline revisions.

Each test shall also consist with compulsory Map Questions.

Each test shall be strictly UPSC mains pattern (questions configuration and marks allotments).

Solutions of each test will be given before or after discussion of test.

Each test will follow discussion on content and presentation of answers.

Videos Discussions available.

Test Series Plan

Geography Test Series Test Plan - Chrome IAS



1. Geomorphology by P. Dayal.
2. Physical Geography by A.N. Strahler
3. Climatology by Critchfield, D.S. Lal
4. Oceanography by Sharma and Vatal
5. Biogeography and Environment by H.M. Saxena/Savinder Singh
6. Perspectives in Human Geography by Sudeepta Adhikari/ Maurya
7. Economic Geography: Human and Economic Geography by Leong and Morgan/ Economic Geography by Alexander.
8. Population Geography by R.C. Chandna
9. Settlement Geography: a) Rural Settlement by R.Y. Singh, b) Urban Settlement by H. Ramachandran.
10. Regional planning by R.P. Mishra.
11. Models, Theories and Laws in Human Geography: Majid Hussain.


1. Geography of India by R.C. Tiwari
2. Geography of India by Gopal Singh
3. Yojana and Kurukshetra magazines.
4. Geography and You journal
5. Atlas:- a) Oxford Student Atlas, b) Orient Blackswan
6. Ministry of Environment and Forest News
7. All reference news in current events.


It is important to understand at the first place, “What should be the motive of Test Series”? If it is to have more and more questions being repeated, then perhaps best would be to take all sources and Compile in a document which at times is so bulky but in reality has very little substance.

Criteria of joining a test series should neither be that whether few of our questions appear directly in the exam nor should it be the objective of an aspirant before joining test series. The important and perhaps the only question is how have you trained your mind to respond to the main and the final event which comes after an exhaustive and well-designed test program clubbed with right feedback. This remains our never-ending endeavor at Chrome IAS Academy to provide the same.

So we believe that enrolling for test series at Chrome IAS Academy is justified as it serves the following purposes:

First is “Training of Mind”, if that is achieved half of the battle is won. And the primary purpose of the test series at Chrome IAS Academy is this.

Second important aspect of our well-crafted program is to act as a “Priming factor”. It has to prepare you for the final event and act as a close rehearsal. Though initially we started off with a Comprehensive Test module, but on demand from aspirants, this year we have come up with a Sectional Plan, so as to keep aspirants in a step wise learning model.

Third purpose of Chrome IAS Main Examination Test Series is to give you a platform to “Revisit important issues” and also topics that might have skipped your gaze. Also to implement what you have learnt over time and see where you stand as comparison to others.

Fourth and perhaps the most important aspect is the “Right Feedback” which is customized based on the assessment of the aspirant by our experts.

Note: Changes in the Test Schedule may be made due to unforeseen circumstances with or without any prior notice. The Institute shall not be responsible for any loss or liability suffered by the students arising out of such adjustments in the Schedule.