Essential Facts (Prelims): 3 December, 2018


  • UNAIDS has envisioned to achieve ‘90-90-90’ target by 2020, which will result in controlling HIV infection to sustainable state by 2030.
  • As per the ‘90-90-90’ target,
  • 90% of all HIV infected persons should get diagnosed and know their HIV positive status.
  • 90% of these diagnosed HIV positive persons are to be provided regular Antiretroviral Therapy (ART).
  • 90 % of persons taking ART should show signs of viral suppression which reduces their scope of infection.

Hampi Utsav

  • Hampi Festival or Vijaya Utsav is one of the most marvellous festivals in Karnataka.
  • The festival is all about dance, music, drama, puppet shows, vibrant processions and fireworks.
  • The Hampi Festival is a three day festival which is generally celebrated from 3rd to 5th November

Hornbill Festival

  • It is a festival of Nagaland.
  • It is also called the ‘Festival of Festivals’.
  • It revolves around agriculture.
  • The first festival was held in 2000.
  • The festival is named after the Indian hornbill, the large and colourful forest bird which is displayed in the folklore of most of the state’s tribes.
  • The Nagas consider their festivals sacred, so participation in these festivals is essential.
    Sahariya tribals
  • It is a tribal community of Rajasthan.
  • It has been classified as a particularly vulnerable tribal group because of low development indices.
  • It has a population of about 70000.

No local currency trade with India

  • China has not accepted India’s proposal to carry out bilateral trade in local currencies.
  • The proposal was aimed at bridging the ballooning trade deficit.
  • India’s exports to China stood at only $13.4 billion and imports aggregated to $76.4 billion in 2017-18, leaving a trade deficit of $63 billion. It was $51.11 billion in 2016-17.
  • India has also proposed trade in national currencies with other countries, including Russia, Iran and Venezuela with which New Delhi has a trade deficit.

Roshni Act

  • Jammu and Kashmir State Lands (Vesting of Ownership to the Occupants) Act, 2001, is popularly known as the Roshni Act.
  • The Roshni Act envisaged the transfer of ownership rights of state land to its occupants, subject to the payment of a cost, as determined by the government.
  • The government’s target was to earn Rs 25,000 crore by transferring 20 lakh kanals of state land to existing occupants against payment at market rates.
  • The government said the revenue generated would be spent on commissioning hydroelectric power projects, hence the name “Roshni”..