Essential Facts (Prelims): 20th November, 2018

Baba Kalyani Committee

  • The Baba Kalyani committee constituted to study the existing SEZ policy of India submitted its report.
  • One of the objectives of the committee was to make the SEZ policy compatible to WTO.

Make in India Targets

  • Creating 100 million jobs by 2022.
  • Achieving 25% of GDP from the manufacturing sector by 2022.
  • increase manufacturing value to USD 1.2 trillion by 2025.


  • Tenth Indo-Russian Joint Exercise, INDRA scheduled in November.
  • It is an exercise of the two armies.


  • SIMBEX is “Singapore-India Maritime Bilateral Exercise”
  • It completed its Silver Jubilee ( 25th edition of the exercise) this year.

Reserves of RBI

  • Of the existing reserves, a bulk of the funds are in contingency funds and in revaluation reserves.
  • The contingency reserves, by definition, cannot be touched except in a crisis.
  • To tap revaluation reserves, the RBI will have to sell assets and shrink its balance sheet. This will upset the money supply in the economy.
  • RBI holds over Rs 3 lakh crore of surplus reserves
  • RBI’s earnings soar whenever there is forex volatility as it ends up making profits while selling dollars.
  • For 2017-18, the RBI transferred a dividend of Rs 50,000 crore to the government.
  • In last 5 yrs, RBI transferred 75% of its income as surplus

Economic capital framework (ECF)

  • The ECF refers to a formula for deciding the capital adequacy ratio for RBI
  • Capital conservation buffer (CCB)
  • Capital Conservation Buffer  is the extra capital banks hold above their mandatory capital.

Prompt corrective action (PCA)

  • There are 11 public sector banks out of 21 that are on the PCA.
  • On the PCA, the Board for Financial Supervision (BFS) of the RBI takes a call like relaxation of NPA ratio.
  • The BFS consists of the Governor, four Deputy Governors and a few other board members.

Global Education Monitoring Report

  • Published by UNESCO
  • Literacy levels in rural households of India dip with seasonal migration
  • Construction sector absorbs the majority of short-term migrants.
  • Inter-State migration rates doubled between 2001 and 2011.

Artificial Rain

  • In a first for India, scientists are set to seed clouds to cause artificial rain in the capital.
  • It will wash away toxic pollutants from the air.
  • Clouds are seeded with silver iodide and other chemical substances to induce rain.
  • This will be the first time clouds would be seeded in India to clear toxic air, although the country has tested the technique on a limited scale in the rain shadow region of Solapur in Maharashtra.


  • India recorded nearly 24% decline in cases in a year between 2016 and 2017. the only
  • With 4% of global cases, India continues to account for the highest malaria burden outside sub-Saharan Africa.
  • India plans to eliminate malaria by 2027, three years ahead of the global target.
  • In India, three states — Odisha, Chhattisgarh and West Bengal- account for a major burden of malaria cases.