Contemporary Issues Analysis Classroom Program for CSE-2019 – Starts 15th November 2018

Starts from 15th November, 2018

Fee: Rs. 15,000/- (Exclusive of Taxes)

Program Objectives

Analyzing the GS papers from 2013, it would not be difficult for any serious aspirant to come to the conclusion that “Contemporary Issues” is a ‘sine qua non’ in UPSC preparation. Its importance has been intensified with new syllabus & new variant of question approach by UPSC over the years. UPSC has blended contemporary issues with the syllabus & remain enthusiastic in exploring multi-faceted dimension of questions in Mains Examination.

The Content research team at Chrome IAS is committed to constantly evolve and deliver in the best possible manner so as not to overload aspirants with unimportant stuff. Owing to the fact that in Civil Services Examination the importance of understanding is far more than mere cramming, CIA class will focus on discussion in such a manner that it enhances the overall depth of a candidate. It’s not mere presentation of facts, rather a learning module based on comprehensive linkage of the subject matter.

Here is an opportunity for the aspirants, to have a hold over the content by understanding and analyzing which will eventually lessen the load on them right before Mains.

The most important question, which is important to answer here is – If the program is for Mains – then won’t it be judicious to join after Prelims?

The simple answer to this question is – One who prepares for the War when the War is declared can never win the War. This summarizes the long story in short and joining this program will definitely give an aspirant edge over others. Thus the basic premises on which this program stands is – “Start Early to Stay Ahead”.

Program Features:

  • Two Classes every week.
  • Discussion – Debate – Note making – Short Hand Notes.
  • Monthly Test to assess the preparedness and grasp of the candidate.
  • Graded Exposure to Complex Issues.
  • In all approx 250 Issues will be discussed – including Dynamic and Static (in News).
  • 4 Comprehensive Tests of GS I , II , III and IV.

A wise person is the one who learns from the mistakes committed by others – so we believe when the stakes are high in terms of Time and the Energy one puts in this examination – it is in the best interest to leave no stone unturned and prepare smartly for CSE Main Examination.

“Fear Ruins Human Intellect”