Art & Culture Module For Mains 2018 | Starts – 20th August | Free Orientation Class – 9th August

Module for Art and Culture

Why Important for Exam:

  1. Total marks contribution of art and culture is around 40 -50 marks.
  2. The kind of questions in art and culture is more dynamic now rather than static which requires analysis and is not restricted to just Temple or Stupa architecture and philosophies.

Now the questions revolve around coinage system , evolution of literature and impact of Sufism or bhakti movement etc .

What one can expect from the Module :

  1. This module of art and culture will involve not just the content but also the way the answer is to be build suited to the question command . This will help in understanding both content and context of the questions .
  2. Module will involve entire coverage of ancient , medieval and modern art and culture portion through probable question and answer format .
  3. Relevant diagrams will be included .
  4. Major themes of art and culture will be covered individually and also period wise with appropriate analysis in 7 classes .

Note: Module will include one Test on Art and Culture , Modern History, World History and Post Independence. 

Fee: 4,500/- (Inclusive of Taxes)