Course Objectives
1. To finish the revision of major topics with conceptual clarity and course material in short duration .
2. Diagram practice in class and also discussion on answer frame work for every topic according to marks allocated.
3. It will also help you to realize the choice of questions to be picked in the Mains Exam .
4. Discussion of all the previous year papers will help in finishing the 60 percent of the syllabus .
5. Student can choose the module accordingly suited to his strength and weakness.
6. Mostly conceptual part of genetics if once understood will reduce the burden of mugging the part .
Course Plan
Module A : BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY – 14 day schedule
Syllabus to be covered : unit 8.1 to 13.10
Approach to the topics :
Diagrammatic flowcharts
Mind maps
Answer framework discussion
Relevant examples from current .
Module B : SOCIO-CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY -14 day schedule
Mind maps
Most important : Relevant examples of Tribals for each topics
Special emphasis on the theories of anthropology ( here the main focus would be conceptual clarity and systematic material for the theories especially the new ones like cognitive theory , post modernism ).
Module C – Indian Society and Tribal
Added Feature:
Also discussion on how to approach past 5 year questions with answers .
Some sample answers to be attached here :
Registration Open.Limited Seats
Fee –
8k (Inclusive of Taxes) For Each Module Separately.
20k (Inclusive of Taxes) – Taking all modules combined.