Editorial Simplified: Aadhaar Survives| GS – II

The Supreme Court has found a pragmatic middle path between the Aadhaar scheme’s excesses and its benefits to the marginalised. The government argued that Aadhar is essentially a transformative scheme primarily aimed at reaching benefits and subsidies to the poor and the marginalised.

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Static – World History – Japan (1)| Focus – Mains

Japan's close contact with the West dated back to 1853 when Japan signed trade treaties with several Western countries. These treaties were imperialist in nature and signing of these treaties was regarded by the Japanese as a great national humiliation.

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Static – World History – The Weimar Republic and Hitler (3) | Focus – Mains

There is sometimes confusion about the meaning of the terms Nazism and Fascism. Both were intensely anti-communist and, because of this, drew a solid basis of support from all classes.

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