Gist of Editorials: It Begins in School | GS – II

Relevance :  GS Paper  II


By next year, the average age of an Indian is expected to be 29 year.

Issues with School education

  • School enrolment has increased but just ensuring schooling does not result in learning.
  • Only few third grade students can read second grade text or subtract one two-digit number from another.
  • A large proportion of children are not picking up critical skills in the early grades.

Significance of school education

  • School education will generate the demographic dividend needed to power India’s growth story.
  • Without a strong learning foundation at the primary level, there can be little or no improvement in higher education or skill development.

Foundational literacy 

  • The draft NEP states that attainment of foundational skills has to be given the highest priority..
  • Children are expected to “learn to read” by class 3 so that they can “read to learn” after that.
  • The absence of foundational skills hits children from poor households or first generation learners the most.

Way forward

  • The government needs to urgently focus on foundational learning.
  • Appropriate teaching-learning material, training and teacher support need to be made available.
  • Improved accountability through independent monitoring and measurement can play a critical role.


Foundational learning opens up opportunities for better income, health, sanitation, safety, and so on.

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