Gist of Editorials: Interim Solution | GS – III

Relevance : GS Paper III (Economy)

Theme of the article

A framework agreement on capital, surplus transfers from RBI to government will smoothen ties between the two.

Surplus transfers by the RBI

  • The RBI has agreed to transfer an interim dividend or surplus profits to the government.
  • This surplus transfer is a reflection on fiscal management and government finances.

Is the demand of surplus transfer by the govt justified?

  • As the owner or controlling shareholder, government can seek a return on the capital deployed.
  • But a distinction needs to be made in case of central bank due to its role in monetary and financial stability.
  • In the risk environment, banks should be equipped to build strong capital buffers as a cushion.

Way forward

  • Bimal Jalan committee is now reviewing RBI’s economic capital framework.
  • A similar legislative framework on surplus transfer can help narrow differences between RBI and the government.


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