Mains Questions – GS II

Rajasthan has become the country’s first State to lay down the minimum educational qualifications for contesting elections cooperative societies. What do you mean by cooperative societies? What are their functions? Should educational qualification be made an eligibility criterion for elections in a democracy? Discuss. [GS 2] [ 200 words]

States in India in the spirit of cooperative federalism have adopted Government e-Marketplace (GeM), similar to what all the states, did in the case of the Goods and Services Tax regime. Distinguish between federalism and cooperative federalism. What are the various constitutional provisions in the Constitution that promote federalism in India? Given the states and centre ruled by different political parties, do you think cooperative federalism is an elusive goal in India? [ GS 2] [ 200 words]

The State Human Rights Commission recently  directed one of the State government to pay  compensation to the civilian allegedly used as a human shield by the Army. Discuss in this context the feasibility of adherence to human rights by our security forces under such violent circumstances. Do you agree with the notion that NHRC has become a toothless tiger?[ GS 2] [ 200 words]

Naval co-operation between India, US and Japan epitomises the strong and resilient relationship between the three democracies. Explain how such defence cooperation can enhance maritime security in the Indo-Pacific region. Given China’s rising prowess, how can India ensure its maritime security ? Discuss.[ GS2] [ 200 words]