TRI-NETRA stands for – Terrain imaging for diesel dRivers INfra-red, Enhanced opTical& Radar Assisted system.

Ministry of Railways has initiated a proposal to install TRI-NETRA systems on locomotives for enhancing the vision of Locomotive Pilots in inclement weather.

This “Third Eye” or TRI-NETRA will give the locomotive pilot a clear view of the track ahead in bad visibility conditions so that he can apply brakes well in time. Conversely, he can speed up the train even in poor visibility if the TRI-NETRA system shows that the track ahead is clear of obstruction. The system shall also map the terrain ahead so that the driver knows when he is approaching a station or a signal. TRI-NETRA will enable the Locomotive Pilot to “see” objects from upto one kilometer away on straight track during inclement weather.

Three components of the Tri-Netra System:

  • high-resolution optical video camera
  • high sensitivity infrared video camera
  • a radar-based terrain mapping system

The concept of TRI-NETRA was developed by using the technology employed by fighter aircrafts to see through clouds and operate in pitch darkness and the technology used by naval ships in mapping the ocean floor and navigating in the night.