Static – Modern History (Post-Independence) – The Language Problem (4) | Focus – Mains

The language problem was the most divisive issue in the first twenty years of independent India, and it created the apprehension among many that the political and cultural unity of the country was in danger.

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Civil Services – Prelims Focus Group (CS-PFG) for CSP-2019 – Starts 1st December, 2018

Daily Test Assignments (30 Questions) for Exhaustive & In-depth Syllabus Revision | Starting from 1st December, 2018 | Registration Open for Entrance Test to be held on 28th November, 2018 | Concessional Fee: Rs. 1,500/- (Per Month)

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Static – Modern History (Post-Independence) – Relations with Pakistan | Focus – Mains

Despite the Kashmir issue, the Government of India adopted towards Pakistan a policy of fair dealing and of promoting conciliation and reducing mutual tensions.

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