Parliamentary Privileges (15.07.2020)

Q. The issue of Parliamentary privileges has been a bone of contention and conflict between the Parliament and the Judiciary.” Analyse this statement in the backdrop of decided cases. (10). [2019/Law I/1(d)]

Answer Approach:

Introduction: Briefly highlight the meaning and importance of
Parliamentary Privileges.

• Main body: Discuss in a concise manner the various privileges and  important provisions related to  Parliamentary Privileges in Constitution of India. Then discuss the issue of conflict between Parliament and Judiciary with the help of analysis and landmark case laws. The analysis should be in the context of FRs.

• Conclusion: Conclude by reiterating the fact that the balance between Parliamentary privileges and FRs needs to be maintained in order to uphold the constitutional principles.

• Tip for students: The main focus of the answer has to be to address the actual demand of the question i.e. the conflict between Parliament and Judiciary. Thus, this needs to form the major part of your main body and not the detailing of provisions related to Parliamentary privileges.

Students please note: 

  • You need to upload your answers in the Comments section under the questions. Students are advised to upload clear photos of handwritten answers.
  • To maximise your benefit from this free answer writing exercise, try to read other students’ answers and jot down important pointers. This way you shall not only learn from the good aspects of others’ answers but also from their mistakes. You are encouraged to review each other’s answers for mutual benefit and help in building a supportive Law Optional Preparation Community

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