Daily Updates

It is an exercise to pick important and relevant info and facts from various competitive examinations in general and CSE – IAS in particular. With increasing emphasis on current affairs, aspirants cannot afford to ignore any aspect of preparation.

Note: But at the same time we don’t promote spoon feeding ( as it’s a practice among others ). We want aspirants to walk with us and work on updates – which is expected from a curious candidate. Thirst for knowledge is what drives everyone on this earth. Sometimes road to hell is paved with good intentions, so what we do not want is that aspirants rely only on updates and not read daily newspaper. First things first,  No matter what compilation you get in market, No source can supplant newspaper reading. And we are very particular about it. We go against notion that newspaper analysis be done by someone for you – its completely wrong approach. No class ( offline/video/audio) can do that. So decide accordingly.  

These are meant to compliment your preparation and to provide you an extra edge.

We are coming up with Two Series – Daily Updates & Daily Updates PLUS.

Daily Updates – Current Affairs– to have limited edition of updates to make it crisp. Intent is not to flood candidate with irrelevant information.

Daily Updates – Current Affairs PLUS– to have Facts related to contemporary topics in news and including some static ones. This will also include additional facts regarding concepts in News so as to have comprehensive understanding.

Questions in UPSC are related to direct or indirect info from newspapers. So the above mentioned series will take care of both aspects.