CS-PFG 2019 | Monthly Result and Performance Rankings | January, 2019

CS-PFG 2019 | Monthly Result and Performance Rankings | January, 2019 | Dear Students, Monthly rank list has been attached in the mentioned PDF. Congratulations to first thirty students for availing scholarship. Kudos! Kindly visit center.


Dear aspirants,

Two months are over. With every passing day Prelims is getting closer .

4 more months to go!

Next 4 months will decide whether you are going to write mains or Not. Next 4 months will decide you are going to be a part of the selection process of India’s most coveted and prestigious services or not.

“Pain of regret” or “Pain of hard-work”?


It’s matter of only 4 months.

Hard Work always pays off!


Chrome IAS Academy



We are going to conduct one  full length test of CSAT on 5th Feb and other full length of GS on 7th Feb for the PFG students , with the objective to check your base level.

Students who will get less than 80 marks in CSAT should not ignore CSAT practice at this stage.

Click Here to Download the PDF

*Marks of last Revision Test and Current Affairs Test not added in this result. These marks will be added in next month’s result.

final jan month avarage list


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