Message To Students
Tough Times call for Tough People !
Today we all are under a peculiar situation, there is emergency of another kind – in all probability created by Nature (most convenient for us to think so) to show the humans that no matter what you do, no matter how advanced you are in technological dimension and the superiority of your healthcare systems – when it comes to Nature we have no readymade solutions. Yes, as the spirit of the mankind is to keep banging against the wall and find the way out of it in the most adverse situations too – and who could be the better example than the ‘Mountain Man’ – Dashrath Manjhi to quote in this context. He is the epitome of the individual’s indomitable will to achieve even the unthinkable and unimaginable.
These testing times are difficult for everyone – for you and for us as well. And we are not the only one’s affected by the ongoing crisis – static, dynamic, age, gender, class, caste are all engulfed by Corona Virus also named Covid-19. No doubt in every century the humanity has seen one or the other calamity – but the magnitude and degree of these are perhaps greater than the predecessor. Covid was reported in December 2019 and its almost going to be 3 months – no vaccination in on sight. This leaves us at the cross roads with the number of affected persons increasing rapidly.