CSAT – Paper 2

Civil Services Aptitude Test

CSAT Paper 2 is also known as Mental Ability Test which is indented to check candidate’s analytical ability and his/her skills on basic numeracy , data interpretation , English language comprehension skills etc.

This paper was introduced in 2013 in Civil Services Examination and since then has been bearing the curse of candidates hailing from non-technical background.

Without wasting our time on nitty-gritty of it, let’s come directly to the point. We are starting CSAT – Paper 2 series where in we intend to show the aspirants step by step solution of problems which can help them in understanding the concept better.

It is to be remembered that, though this paper is of qualifying in nature, still it has to kill the dream of numerous candidates. Hence it is important to give it due importance in one’s preparation.

For best use of this series, keep track of every post under this category.

All The Best.