Human Rights (25.06.2020)

Q. Human rights are critical for the response and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Elaborate. (15)

Answer Approach:

Introduction: Highlight how the recognition and protection of human rights are going to be crucial part of the COVID pandemic response. Eg – Respect for human rights across the spectrum, including economic, social, cultural, and civil and political rights, will be fundamental to the success of the public health response and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

• Main body: Try to make this answer as multi-dimensional as possible. Think of all the different ways and areas where human rights protection is crucial. Cover each of these points as a separate sub-heading. Under each point, try not only to highlight the problems/dangers of human rights violations but also suggest
briefly what is the solution or way forward.

• Conclusion: Conclude on a positive and futuristic note by highlighting the important role of the human rights not only for the present times but also all future times to come. Eg – Embracing human rights as an integral part of our public health response will not only provide ethical guidance during these difficult times but also set the foundation for how the world responds to public health crises going forward.

Tip for students: In such questions, where you have too much information and dimensions, rganisation and presentation of content becomes very important. Make use of relevant subheadings and underline keywords to improve the visibility of your most important points. Also, please try to express in your own words and not use exact sentences from the Answer Approach or any other online source.

Students please note: Click on the individual questions above and upload your answers in the Comments section under the questions. Students are advised to upload clear photos or pdfs of handwritten answers.

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