Static – World History – The Two Europe Since 1945 – (4) | Focus – Mains

Notes for World History


Earlier Britain refused to join the community for the following reasons:

  • If it joined the Community, it would no longer be in complete control of its economy.
  • It also feared that its membership of the Community would damage its relationship with the Commonwealth as well as its relations with USA.
  • British politicians feared that economic unity would lead to politician unity and the loss of British sovereignty.

Reasons for Britain joining the European Community later:

  • By 1961, it was obvious that European Economic Community (EEC) was an outstanding success. French and German production had drastically increased.
  • Over the same period, Britain’s economy was much less successful.
  • The rival group EFTA led by Britain was not as successful as EEC.
  • The Commonwealth, in spite of its huge population, did not have the same purchasing power as the EEC.
  • Competition from other EEC members was expected to stimulate British industry to greater effort and efficiency.

Reasons for French opposition to British entry:

  • It thought that Britain had too many economic problems and would weaken the EEC.
  • France feared losing the domination of the Community after Britain’s entry.
  • France believed that Britain’s close ties with USA would lead to USA’s domination of European affairs.
  • Britain’s agriculture was highly efficient and subsidized. If this continued after Britain’s entry, French farmers, with their smaller and less efficient farms, would be exposed to competition from Britain.


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