Static – World History – Spread Of Communism Outside Europe – (4) | Focus – Mains

Notes for World History



  • The USA also became involved as it saw the struggle as part of the Cold War and the fight against communism. It had provided aid to France in the first phase of war, but it was not enough.
  • However, USA was determined to take France’s place in order to prevent the spread of communism throughout south-east Asia.
  • The South Vietnamese govt, backed by US, refused to make preparations for the elections for the whole of Vietnam. US backed it because it feared the victory of communists led by Ho Chi Minh. US was worried of the ‘domino theory’ regarding spread of communism. However, US attitude was a violation of the Geneva Agreement.
  • South Vietnamese govt lost popularity due to lack of reforms and corruption. A guerrilla campaign supported by National Liberation Front (NLF) and the North Vietnam, began attacking the govt machinery.
  • The USA enhanced its help to South Vietnam. The American involvement in Vietnam was different from their role in Korea where they fought as part of a UN coalition.
  • The war continued for 13 years. However, US eventually acknowledged that there was no monolithic communist plan to dominate the world. Hence, a ceasefire was arranged in 1973. It was agreed that all American troops would be withdrawn from Vietnam, and both North and South would respect the frontier along the 17th parallel.
  • However, the guerrillas or Vietcong continued their campaign against South Vietnamese govt which, without the American help, collapsed.
  • In 1975, South was occupied by North and Vietnam was united under a communist govt. In the same year, communist governments were also established in Laos and Cambodia. Thus, the American policy of preventing the spread of in south-east Asia had ended in complete failure.


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