Gist of Editorials: US Pull-Out| GS – II

Relevance : GS Paper II ( International Relations)

[800 words summarized to 200]

Present situation in Afghanistan

  • Taliban now controls about one-third of the country.
  • The Taliban continues to haunt government forces.
  • Sporadic strikes by ISIS continue unabated.
  • Crime is rampant and corruption and tax evasion are widespread.
  • The presidential election has been postponed to July 2019.
  • The withdrawal of troops ordered further emboldened the Taliban and weakened the Afghan government.

The Moscow format

A Russian initiative, called the Moscow format, succeeded in bringing together the Taliban and Afghan representatives.

Afghanistan and  India

  • A peaceful and stable Afghanistan is a vital national interest for India.
  • India has no plans  for military intervention in Afghanistan.
  • India has invested in reconstruction projects in Afghanistan.
  • India has provided aid such as helicopters,  training to Afghan military personnel, humanitarian aid, etc.
  • The Indian embassy Indian projects have been attacked by the Taliban.
  • India sent observers to the Moscow conference with the Taliban.
  • India has now accepted that conflict resolution cannot take place without talking to the Taliban.
  • If Taliban returns to power in Kabul, Pakistan’s ISI would be sure to divert  Taliban fighters to Kashmir.


India’s  interest lies in formulating a comprehensive strategy, jointly with the Afghan government, that ensures that a Taliban takeover can be prevented.


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