Gist of Editorials: The Quest for a Military Footprint | GS – II

Relevance :  GS Paper  II

Theme of the Article

As Beijing races ahead in quest for a military footprint, Delhi has some catching up to do.


India is now making its armed forces interoperable with its friends and partners in the Indian Ocean.

India’s response to China’s growing foreign military bases

  • Counter potential threats from China’s military bases
  • strengthen military partnerships with its friends and partners
  • emulate Beijing’s quest for foreign military presence

Competition for foreign Military Bases

  • As China’s economic interests spread the entire globe, it’s quest for military bases grew as well.
  • While there is no formal Pakistan “base”, the integration of Pakistan into China’s military strategy and operations has steadily advanced.
  • While Beijing is racing ahead in the search for foreign military presence, Delhi has some catching up to do.

Why India should have Military Bases

  • India’s economy is now close to $3 trillion.
  • Delhi’s security imperatives are no longer limited to its borders.

What India is doing in this Direction

  • India is now making its armed forces interoperable with its friends and partners.
  • India has signed agreements with the US and France for mutual peacetime use of military bases.

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