Gist of Editorials: Misplaced Priorities | GS – II

Relevance :  GS Paper  II

The govt. is mooting to holding simultaneous elections to the Lok Sabha and the State Assemblies.

Potential benefits of simultaneous polls

  • Will curb the huge expenditure involved.
  • Will reduce the burden on the manpower deployed.
  • Ruling parties can focus more on governance and less on campaigning.

Problems with simultaneous polls

  • It may require the curtailment or extension of the tenure of State legislatures.
  • Another question is: what happens if the government at the Centre falls?
  • Whether getting all elections to coincide undermines representative democracy and federalism?
  • Regional issues may be subsumed by national themes in a common election.


Given these challenges, there is no case for hastening the introduction of simultaneous elections. The government must accord priority to other electoral reforms.


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