Gist of Editorials: Integrating The Island (Indian Express )|GS – II

The PM’s immediate political motivation may be seen as part of the BJP’s strategy to claim the non-Nehruvian legacy of the Indian National Congress.

Relevance : GS Paper II 

   (International Relations and Internal Security)

Recently, PM visited the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Historical significance of Andaman Islands

  • They were the site of contestation between European colonial powers.
  • Britain occupied the islands at the end of the 18th century.
  • After the Second World War, the Andamans became marginal to the new geopolitics.

Present geopolitical significance of Andaman Islands

Today as a rising China projects its power into the Indian Ocean, regional balance would necessarily involve the development of the Andamans.


  • Cooperation between India and its major strategic partners required over Andamans.
  • Promoting economic development, integration with the mainland, strengthening military infrastructure, regional connectivity of Andamans.
  • Preserving the pristine environment of the Andamans and protecting its vulnerable indigenous populations.

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